Category Archives: Core Renewal

116. Three Steps To Winning At Cloud Ecommerce in 2021

Future-Shock Cloud Ecommerce is Here

In 2018, well over $100B will be spent on digital cloud ecommerce capabilities. Even the large public distributors are spending 10’s of millions on upgrading digital-selling capabilities.

The telecommunications companies have started, in parallel, a race to build out 5G wireless bandwidth starting in major cities. By 2021, Best B2B customers in top 50 cities will… Continue reading 116. Three Steps To Winning At Cloud Ecommerce in 2021

113. It’s Human Nature to Resist Analytical Opportunities

Moneyball and Astroball Lessons

The book Moneyball was published in 2003. At the time, Major League Baseball (MLB) managers despised it, because the book made them look like old-school ignoramuses. A highly-recommended new take published in July 2018 and titled Astroball, summarizes the league’s transition since 2003.

Here are a few key points from the book: Continue reading 113. It’s Human Nature to Resist Analytical Opportunities

112. Investment News for Winning at Cloud Ecommerce in 2021

Who Will Control Millennial Buyers’ Clickstream In 2021?

Millennials are now: 19-36; glued to their smartphones; overwhelmingly Amazon Prime Members; and rating their Amazon App as most valuable and frequently used.

They want their Amazon B2C shopping experience on the job. 73% of all present, B2B buying decisions involve a millennial. 33% of final purchasing decisions are made by a millennial (and climbing!).

Whoever controls Millennials’ digital shopping journeys in 2021 can capture and monetize their clickstream data. Will all verticals that sell anything to Millennials be paying advertising fees to AMZ? Recent news suggests: not without a battle for eyes.    Continue reading 112. Investment News for Winning at Cloud Ecommerce in 2021

111. Re-Tune Your Vision, Strategy, Analytics, and Culture

Problem: Most Distributors Can’t Do Needle-Moving Change

B2B Cloud Commerce will be shaking business models in most channels by 2021. But, many distributors can only fine tune their past. Why? Check the fuzz factor on these four vitals: vision; strategy; innovation metrics; and can-do culture.

A Vision That Engages All Employees (and Stakeholder Groups)

What would employees think if you told them that: Continue reading 111. Re-Tune Your Vision, Strategy, Analytics, and Culture

109. Astroball: Taking Lessons from the Analytical Champs

Baseball’s Begrudging Adoption of Analytics

Since the book Moneyball was published in 2003, all professional sports have embraced analytics, but none more than baseball.

Baseball executives initially hated the book Moneyball because it made them look incompetent. Then, one-by-one teams started to experiment with analytics; in particular, two teams with new owners who had gotten rich using analytics elsewhere. Continue reading 109. Astroball: Taking Lessons from the Analytical Champs

106. Customer-Centric Sales Force Reinvention

In April 2015, Forrester Research estimated that one million B2B reps would be toast by 2020 due to digital disruption. They solidified this forecast in a subsequent March 2017 report. The findings were perhaps hyped in order to sell reports, but they are still a helpful warning to undertake an actionable assessment of your reps’ readiness for cloud commerce in 2020 and beyond.

How? Consider viewing your reps through the following analytical lenses to create questions for further investigation.  Continue reading 106. Customer-Centric Sales Force Reinvention