Category Archives: AmazonBusiness

162. Your Coach for Mastering E-Skills?


Many big-time jocks have personal coaches and analytics services. (Coaches for executives use 360-feedback surveys).

Most pro sports teams now invest in high-speed video, stats, and development coaches – for all players. Veteran starters with contracts often decline the help (why mess with success?), but rookies (and little leaguers) are devouring video-based analysis. The underlying goal is fast-as-possible “mastery”.   

Continue reading 162. Your Coach for Mastering E-Skills?

161. How Digital Disruptors (Will) Skim Distributor Sales

Digital-Disruptors are Multiplying!

Today: digital disruptors are attacking most industries. In ’95, a few startups invaded easiest B2C product categories with their own homemade digital tools. Today, raiders are targeting every “buying-journey experience” with off-the-shelf digital tools from cloud providers. Barriers to buying-journey innovation have fallen for both startups and your firm.  

Continue reading 161. How Digital Disruptors (Will) Skim Distributor Sales

153. Analytics for Silos to Supply Chains

Invent Your Own Analytical Insights

Analytics software is big news.  But, your richest analytical insights are hiding under foot. To uncover these insights, get curious. Make specific observations about the good and bad activity that you know intuitively exists within your business.  Are these observations symptoms of what underlying root-causes? Write down the questions and theories that arise. Do some customer field research and quick statistical analysis to test and refine your questions and theories. Then, do small, fast, learning-forward experiments to find the golden insights.

Continue reading 153. Analytics for Silos to Supply Chains

150. Increase and Improve Your Beliefs

Humans are Belief Inventors

Human brains evolved to survive as a tribe in a hunter-gathering world. We accumulated both practical and magical beliefs through experience. If belief-guided actions worked (we didn’t die or got lucky), then we kept doing them. (Lucky Charms v Gremlins!)      

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149. What Distributor Roll-Ups Will Become Zombies?

Private Equity (PE) Distributor Roll-Ups: The Good, Bad, and Ugly

PE Good News:

In ’08: The Central Banks rescued PE firms from their over-paid, over-leveraged ’07 deals. By lowering interest rates to near-zero for 10 years good things happened:

Continue reading 149. What Distributor Roll-Ups Will Become Zombies?