127. Old Beliefs v Your 2019 Strategic Plans


If your distributorship is a top 5% performer due to perpetual innovation, keep innovating in 2019. If your financial returns are in a low-level rut with an unchanging, aging sales force – then change your belief system to change your results.


  1. Shared company beliefs are imperfect models for reality. Like the six blind men groping the elephant, we are adamant about what is, but blind to the bigger reality.
  2. Beliefs accumulate overtime. Some used to work (perhaps for unseen reasons). But today, do they engage best next-gen prospective employees and customers?
  3. Core beliefs are often hidden, unspoken, sacred things. All need to be identified, written down, and tested against the current, changing reality. Or, the blind-spots will expand, causing profits and morale to erode.
  4. Customer, SKU, and Vendor (Net-Profit) analytics reveal new facts, insights, and beliefs.
  5. Old Beliefs fight any contradicting facts. Who wants to admit being wrong? If our expert egos are challenged, then we invent data-free, self-serving counter-rationalizations. We will cite Old-Belief experts and industry pals who share our Belief-Bubble: “confirmation bias”.
  6. And, don’t explore or test any new ideas! New enlightenment might pop our Belief-Bubble.
  7. If you thoroughly examine Old Beliefs, their defensive power wanes. Do you dare?

If yes, here’s an experiment opportunity. Request a free copy of my – “Core (Profitable) Customer Renewal Roadmap” – document (bruce@merrifield.com). Have your management team read it, debate the new suggestions and beliefs, and write down the old, counter-resistant beliefs.

You might then do some explorations and tiny, safe experiments that lead to rut-busting insights and results.


  1. Amazon is teaching (and exponentially empowering) next-gen B2B customers to want 24/7, mobile, Omnichannel buying. AMZ’s end-customer centricity is winning. What are your customer-centric upgrade plans?
  2. Will you segment your customers into niches that will allow you to out-focus competitors at improving service-value solutions and/or cost-to-serve?
  3. What are your digital transformation plans to win in the digital, Omnichannels of 2021?
  4. What are your unique, informational insights that guide the answers to 1-3 above?
  5. Are your plans scary? If not, are you honestly tweaking the same old activities: a new shade of lipstick for the Old Pig?

Better 2019 strategy and results will come from updated beliefs. How will you test your existing ones?