Category Archives: Concierge Customer Service

226. Your VP for Customer-Value-Innovation’s Questions

High-ROI, Sales-Management Calls?

You should only make calls:

  1. With top caliber reps who can: listen, take notes and follow with extra, new tasks.
  2. On three, high-leverage types of accounts.
  3. With the goal of taking all three groups – profit-core, target and big losers – to a next level by collaborating with the customers on improving how they buy.

Continue reading 226. Your VP for Customer-Value-Innovation’s Questions

219. The Needs For Speed Vary By Customer Niche

In General: Sooner is Better

When buying a commodity – with all factors being equal – quicker delivery or answers win.

Entire business niches have been created/dominated by fastest response (e.g. Dominos Pizzas). The fastest delivery is: already there! Think of – just in case, curated SKUs – stored in special cabinets or vending machines. (Who pays or shares in the cost of both the upfront design solution and inventory investment is negotiable).

Continue reading 219. The Needs For Speed Vary By Customer Niche

215. When and How Will Channel Reps Resume In-Person Calls?


  1. Have you heard yet from an old-school buyer that: “Your competitor’s rep has resumed calls!”
  2. Will that be your alarm for resuming full-on, old-way selling?
  3. Are a few data points from old-school, lonely-buyers good market research?
  4. Has Zoomification increased some buyers “rep avoidance” preferences?
  5. How many – new, two-thumb, millennial, B2B – buyers want routine-calling relationships?
  6. Why not proactively survey key buying influences at most-net-profitable (and faster growing) accounts to find out how they want to resume the buying-selling “relationship”?
  7. What if some want, first: better, digital/virtual interactivity. Then, facetime as requested with someone different than the account’s traditional rep?
  8. Do buyers care about your traditional ways? Or: do they want and will get their new way?
  9. And, will pandemic-stressed customers be looking for ways to “buy better”?

Continue reading 215. When and How Will Channel Reps Resume In-Person Calls?

196. Praise Tight-Wads: Get Smart!

2019 Survey Results on: “The Gratitude Gap”

  1. Glassdoor exit survey: “81% of people…work harder when their boss shows appreciation for their work. Only 38% report working harder when their boss is demanding” (Before they “exit”!)
  2. Millennials and Gen Z desire “expressions of gratitude” 3X more than folks in their ‘60s.
  3. Managers, who are stingy with praise, believe in one or more of 7 myths. What’s their cure?

Continue reading 196. Praise Tight-Wads: Get Smart!

179. 2020 I.T. Plans? Lost Luggage Lessons (C*)

American Airlines’ Lost-Luggage, Pain-Removal Solution

On a recent American Airlines trip, I turned on my cell phone as I landed at 10 PM. I got a text from American’s AI-bot alerting me that my checked bag did not make it to my hub-connection flight. There were also links for: filing my lost bag info and desired delivery address; and tracking the bag. Continue reading 179. 2020 I.T. Plans? Lost Luggage Lessons (C*)