Monthly Archives: April 2021

239. Amazon Erodes Old Brands, Invents New Ones

“Behemoth”: A Must-Read Book

This is the third in a series of blogs that riff off of chapters from: “Behemoth: Amazon Rising” by Robin Gaster.

In Chapter 8  – “Amazon the Anti-Brand” –  Gaster posits that AMZ’s:

  1. Infinite shelf space for all brands
  2. Search (by generic category) with search filters and reviews.
  3. And, its Exclusive Brand Accelerator services with infrastructure-for-fees.

All allow new brands – from any plant worldwide – to quickly create interactive access to end-users. And, the total fees for their new, AMZ, end2end channel are less that the costs of trying to crack and push goods through traditional channels. 

Continue reading 239. Amazon Erodes Old Brands, Invents New Ones